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Dog Guard Midwest  Serving Iowa, Nebraska, Quad Cities / Western Illinois, Missouri, and Kansas.

Dog of the Month

May Dogs of the Month

Jason and Misty DeWitt of rural Williamsburg live on an acreage with their family and their two dogs. Rocco is an 18 month old boxer and Gabby a one-year-old rescue mixed breed. They have a lot of dogs and wildlife in their development, which equals a lot of temptations and distractions. Both dogs trained really easily and are loving their time outside.

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April Dogs of the Month

We first met Bret and Ronda West from Mount Pleasant about a year-and-a-half ago. At that time, we installed a DOG GUARD fence for their German Shepherd named Macie. Since that time, they've given us numerous referrals! They just recently had us train their Shih Tzu named Zoey and install a fence for Ronda's mother. She lives next door to them and also has a Shih Tzu. Now the dogs can stay at each other's houses safely.

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March Dogs of the Month

Lissa Kucher and Cory Siem from Princeton have two Italian Mastiffs, Eli and Luigi. Lissa wanted to put in an underground fence, but doubted it would work for their breed since they have such a high pain tolerance. She called breeders and veterinarians all over the country and no one seemed to think that an underground fence would be strong enough to contain them. I assured her that our fence was the strongest on the market and that we have never had a dog we couldn't contain. She gave us the opportunity to install the fence and prove to her that it would work. I'm pleased and proud to say that the dogs trained very easily and are respecting the fence and enjoying their large yard!

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February Dog of the Month

Amy Boaz from West Branch is pictured here with Izzy, her 8 week old Lab/German Shepherd mix. They live in town, near the school and bike path. They wanted Izzy to have the freedom to play in the yard without fear of her scaring the the children on the busy bike path. She quickly understood the fence and is enjoying her time outside.

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January Dog of the Month

Michelle Carpenter from West Des Moines has an adorable 10 week old Cavachon named Boji. She is a busy mother of two girls and needed reassurance that Boji would be safe while out in the yard. She's also trying to convince her mother to get a DOG GUARD fence so the dogs can play at each others houses :)

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December Dog of the Month

Matthew and Erryn McCormick from Carlisle have an adorable 2 month old Golden Retreiver named Willow. They're very busy with their careers and their three children. They wanted Willow to have the opportunity to spend as much time outside as she needed. Grandma Dietre McCormick, decided this would be a great Christmas present for the entire family!

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